Become More Creative By Practicing Resourcefulness
If there’s only one takeaway I want you to have after reading this entire post, it’s that practicing resourcefulness through finding alternatives and visualizing outcomes will help you become a more inspired, more imaginative creative.
Inktober is here!
For anyone who’s interested in using the Elegant Writer for tangles, here are a couple of tips: don’t try it on a small paper that has lots of linework, and do use a lot of gold on it. Oh, and yes, salt does work on it in a similar way as regular watercolor, only it brings up a brown color that adds to the jades and pinks you get with the water application.
Doodling for Focus and Inspiration
In conjunction with my last post, I thought I’d share a fun way that I use sometimes to get out of the “expectation” mode and into the “focus” mode. There are just some days when I want to make something but have no idea what to draw or paint. Those are the days when I […]