SketchAwesome: Trying A New Approach

I’ve given up on an online business. But there’s one thing I’d like to do: make sketching a daily habit. So when I saw Phil Davies’ advertisement for a new program called SketchAwesome, my curiousity peaked.
Become More Creative By Practicing Resourcefulness

If there’s only one takeaway I want you to have after reading this entire post, it’s that practicing resourcefulness through finding alternatives and visualizing outcomes will help you become a more inspired, more imaginative creative.
Why you should be journaling your creative sessions (+ tips for starting your own journal)

If you record your feelings about your work every time you end a creative session, you’ll soon have a reference to turn to when you feel frustrated, a personalized source of direction that can help guide you into new creative paths.
Book Review: The Making of an Artist

What does it take to make an artist? Is it really a matter of being born with talent or does it take desire, courage and commitment as it says in the title? Or is there something else needed in order to “be an artist”? This book examines the need for formal education as well as the personal qualities required to be an artist.
Walking Makes You More Creative

An Adobe study discovered that people identified more good ideas than bad while walking, and that a residual effect from the walking session gave them more and better ideas while sitting than the control group of all-sitters.
Walking makes you more creative

It’s true! Adobe did a study with college students, putting them through a bunch of tests to see how walking influenced their creative thinking. Specifically, they looked at “novel” idea creation, meaning ideas that are unusual and/or new, and “unique” idea generation, meaning no one else thought of the same idea. In order to be […]