How do we practice resourcefulness?
To be good at creating is to come up with new ideas. Structure makes this easier, but it’s still like standing at the deep end of the pool when we really want to dive in. How can we practice resourcefulness to make inspiration come easily?
Tutorial: Altering Photo References and Selecting Correct Pencils
Today I demonstrate how to select the right graphite pencils for a drawing of a mouth.
A Tribute to the Pencil
A poem to mark the passing an endangered species: the #2 pencil.
Playing Around With Graphite
I’ve got a new video on the YouTube channel all about drawing with graphite!
Become More Creative By Practicing Resourcefulness
If there’s only one takeaway I want you to have after reading this entire post, it’s that practicing resourcefulness through finding alternatives and visualizing outcomes will help you become a more inspired, more imaginative creative.
Episode 4 of Storytelling in Your Art is now on YouTube!
Hey Creatives! I’m so excited – today I’ve posted the final video in the Storytelling in Your Art: Drawing a Hike series on YouTube. In this episode, we use technical pens and a gold gel pen to add the finishing touches to our painting of a hike. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series! I’ve had […]
My 5 top frustrations with making art while traveling (and what I do about them)
Have you ever filled a suitcase with art supplies and then never used them on your trip? In this post, I give my 5 top tips for creating art while traveling so that I only pack what I will actually use. Let go of the expectation that you’re going to make “great art” while on vacation!
3 ways to make your own drawing grid
Making your own reusable reference grid is quick and uses simple things from around the house. In this post, I show 3 different ways to make your own grid for transferring drawings.
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